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We have community sites all around Altishshane Primary School in the Strabane area, within 
BT82 postcodes, or County Tyrone!
Click to create a focused, cost-effective advert from £37.50 per year!
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The THA works with helplines to achieve the highest quality response to all those using telephone helplines. Useful online version of the Telephone Helplines Directory - you can search by category e.g. Addiction, Bereavement, Crime, Missing Persons etc.
Find national database of persons missing in the UK. Includes photos and how to go about locating a loved one

Rape Support

0808 800 1144
It doesn't matter who you are, how you feel, or what has happened. If you feel that things are getting to you, get in touch. For someone to talk to call 0845 790 9090

Many branches also offer facilities for you to come into the branch and talk to a volunteer face to face if you find it easier. Check your local branch information to see if it offers this service. It's best to phone ahead to make sure a volunteer is definitely available, and to let them know you are coming.or click the link below
Aims to support the emotional and physical well-being of young people.
Child ProtectionTelephone Helpline 0800 800500
Get valuable advice on becoming a parent and coping with children from this charity, which also runs a helpline. With publications and news.
Support group for sufferers of the neurological syndrome Myalgic Encephalopathy. Offers informative FAQs, guidelines for sufferers and helplines.
For those looking for impartial, confidential advice about autism and other autistic spectrum disorders, this respected UK organization provides contact details.
Helpful advice on the DirectGov website.  Also advice on Benefits, a Money healthcheck and more.

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