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Advice on family matters arising out of separation and divorce.
Families Need Fathers is a registered UK charity which provides information and support to parents, including unmarried parents, of either sex. FNF is chiefly concerned with the problems of maintaining a child's relationship with both parents during and after family breakdown
The Family Mediation Helpline is staffed by specially trained operators who provide:
• general information on family mediation;
• advice on whether your case may be suitable for mediation;
• information about eligibility for public funding, and;
• contact details for mediation services in your local area.
Many couples prefer to negotiate their own private arrangements with the assistance of a family mediator rather than put their decisions in the hands of the courts.
Family mediation is a voluntary process by which couples in dispute, particularly those going through separation or divorce, are helped to deal with arrangements for their future.
NFM is a network of local not-for-profit Family Mediation Services in England and Wales which offers help to couples, married or unmarried, who are in the process of separation and divorce.
One Parent Families/Gingerbread is an independent charity working to promote the interests and welfare of lone parents and their children.
Site with helpful advice for parents
SeparatedDads was formed to offer a unique reference point on being away from or separated from one's children
If you are in a stepfamily already, or about to become part of one, Stepfamily Scotland can provide helpful advice and support.

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